Measure your blog's statistic,how could you do it? I reckon that some of you might find difficulties in checking your blog's traffic. The same experience I had. Well, measuring your blog is now becoming very easy. Why?? Check this out.
I was opening my blog's dashboard when the idea of writing this article emerged. At first,I did not realize there there was a new feature in blogger,that was "STATS".
"STATS" feature enables you tracking your blog's
statistic. Actually, I was wondering what was the use of this "STATS". Anyway, where you can find the feature??find below picture for your easier reference:
With this"STATS" feature, you can measure how many travelers have stumbled to your blog. Moreover, how, from which site and from which country the travelers arrive to your blog is also being showed. Handy, yes, this new facility is really handy. Simply click,click and click then everything is served to you. You can see how many people have read your blog. Furthermore, you can also check what keywords are being typed in the search engine so that those people arrive at your blog. So useful, isn't it??
Anyway, this feature is only from BLOGGER, those who are not using BLOGGER, I have to say sorry for this piece of writing will not be useful to measure your blog's traffic.
Hence, if you are using BLOGGER, try it and see how useful it is for you, I believe that knowing your traffic will enhance your step in maximizing your blog performance in the search engines. Moreover, for you who are monetizing your blog. Well, good luck !! Have a try !!
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